Sunday, October 21, 2018

No Quiero Crecer. Como Superar El Miedo a Ser Grande libro Pilar Sordo pdf

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Concerned about giving everything to our children, adults sometimes forget to set boundaries, to educate and instill responsibility. Therefore, young kids have little tolerance for frustration, are poorly disciplined, and are constantly faced with technology and distractions today. In this book, Pilar Sordo explores various stages, from puberty to adulthood, taking into account both physical and psychological changes as well as the environment in which young people develop. No quiero crecer is a guide for parents to better understand their children and provide them with the tools to grow as well as kids learning how to determine their priorities and achieve their goals.
Preocupados por darles todo a nuestros hijos, los adultos nos olvidamos de poner limites, de educar y de inculcar responsabilidad, por lo tanto, los jovenes tienen poca tolerancia a la frustracion, escasa disciplina, y ademas se enfrentan todos los dias a la inmediatez de la tecnologia, a la violencia, las drogas y la sexualidad. En este libro, Pilar Sordo explora diversas etapas, desde la pubertad hasta la adultez, tomando.
No Quiero Crecer. Como Superar El Miedo a Ser Grande novela
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